These pictures were taken at the HMGS spring convention at the Glendale Boys club. 


HMGSsp2gBonzia.jpg (143944 bytes)   These guys are lost, Judo class meets downstairs!   

Chris Armstrong instructs the new generation of Wargamers.    HMGSsp2CA1.jpg (89433 bytes)    

  HMGSsprgSV6mm1.jpg (216237 bytes)  Steve Verdoliva about to dish up some 6mm Napoleonic's 

Even at 6mm they are nice! and check the "airbrushed" terrain.........HMGSsprgSV6mm2.jpg (215416 bytes)  


This was the army use by the young gamer above though it went down to defeat against me he came within ONE die roll of winning!

HMGSsp2CA2.jpg (187921 bytes)